0から 1 を生み出す作り手は、生み出したものがどのように消失していくのかを考える必要がある。 無の空間に有を生み出し、また無に戻さなければ、ものは増え続ける一方である。 機能的で美しいことだけではいけない。私達デザイナーはものの実態が消えてもなお記憶に残るものを生み出さなければいけ ないのでは無いか。
What do you think and make on the earth full of things? A creator who creates 0 to 1 needs to think about how what she created will disappear. If we create something in the empty space and do not return it to nothing, things will continue to increase. It's not just about being functional and beautiful. We designers must create something that will remain in the memory even after the reality of the object has disappeared. Fluorescent liquid is built into the shape of the light bulb, which is the icon of light, and the light bulb can be flashed at the desired timing by the user. When it becomes unnecessary, it disappears by putting it in water such as the sea or river.
material : baking soda, citric acid, firefly liquid
size : W110×H65×D65
year : 2018
Future Calling